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Friday, August 05, 2011

Roasted Zucchini and Eggplant Salad (Guest Post)

Today, I'm delighted to be a guest on Kosher on a Budget. Mara Strom, the super talented blogger who authors and runs this wonderful site, is my hero. She saves me money, entertains me, and makes me very happy.

This recipe makes the most of an ingredient that isn't particularly glamorous but is seasonal and fresh in New Jersey now. Roasting zucchini - along with eggplant, tomatoes, and aromatics - brings out wonderful flavors that I never knew were there.

Please visit Kosher on a Budget for the complete recipe and some more photos!

Linking this up to Fit and Fabulous Fridays and Ultimate Recipe Swap


  1. This looks so delicious!! Thank you for sharing! :)

  2. This sounds amazing! We've recently received most, if not all, of these vegetables in our CSA this year, so can't wait to check out the recipe and try it out =)

  3. The photo screams out to be eaten. I love the look.

  4. Looks delicious!

    I just found your blog and it looks great- I can't wait to look around some more, especially if your recipes are kosher!


  5. Congrats on the guest post! BTW, you're right about zucchini, it can be bland, but when prepared the right way it's amazing.


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