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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mission Chulent: Week 5

This week, the hardest thing about making our chulent-of-the-week was getting the ingredients! This recipe, courtesy of my cousin Ley Taubs from Argentina, uses dried white corn. I'm sure there's lots of it to be had in Argentina, but it's not so simple in New Jersey, especially if you don't know what the ingredient is called in English!  (In case you are wondering, it's maiz blanco pisado in Spanish, which Google translated into "trodden white corn." Hmmm...try asking for trodden white corn at Shop Rite.)

Three supermarkets later, I got the goods. It turns out that Goya makes it and it's pretty easy to find. (They had it at all three supermarkets, but I just didn't know what I was looking for!)

White hominy corn, one of this week's chulent ingredients

Oops, there's a little person asking for Mommy's attention.

A closeup of the dried corn.

Once the main ingredient was secured, this chulent was a cinch. And, next to my mother's meat chulent, this is in next place for our favorite meat chulent! The dried corn is a lot like barley or wheat berries but has a lighter feeling, and a really nice taste.

Argentinian Meat Chulent
The corn and barley absorb quite a bit of water so make sure to put in plenty of water. My cousin Ley puts tomato sauce and honey in her version, but I left that out. Feel free to add those in if you want to experiment!

1/2 bag mixed chulent beans, soaked overnight and drained
2 teaspoons canola or vegetable oil
1 onion chopped
1 teaspoon paprika 
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
3 Idaho potatoes, cubed
1-2 pounds of flanken, preferably bone-in, cut in chunks
1/2 cup pearl barley
1/2 cup dried white hominy corn
2 teaspoons salt

In a large pot, heat the oil and then add the onions, potatoes, paprika, and garlic powder. Saute for about ten minutes until the vegetables are beginning to brown.

Add the flanken and saute for a few minutes longer.

Add the remaining ingredients plus plenty of water to cover. Bring to a boil and then reduce to low. Leave the chulent simmering on low until Shabbos morning, or until you're ready to eat it, at least 24 hours if possible. Ley recommends uncovering the chulent a couple of hours before serving so the extra liquid cooks out and it's nice and dry.

Serve hot.

The chulent ingredients,
ready and waiting

Chopped potatoes and onions

Spiced onions and potatoes,
browning in the pot

Chopped flanken

Dried corn


  1. I have never used corn in chulent. This sounds like an interesting addition. We use kasha or rice instead of barley, in ours.

  2. Thanks, Chaya. Kasha sounds like a really interesting addition. I'm going to try some vegetarian chulents for the next few weeks, but I'd love to give yours a try. Can you post the ingredients/recipe here? Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I am using your recipe and making changes.

    1/2 bag mixed chulent beans, soaked overnight and drained (Sometimes - no beans - depending on company)
    2 teaspoons canola or vegetable oil
    1 onion chopped
    1 teaspoon paprika
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    3 Idaho potatoes, cubed (Flexible with this)
    1-2 pounds of flanken, preferably bone-in, cut in chunks (beef stew)
    3/4 cup pearl kasha (not prepped)
    (I don't add salt but I do add 1/4 teaspoon of pepper, either black or cayenne.)

    Sometimes, when I have time (when days are longer) I brown meat in flour and put that in.

    Sometimes, I put in a tablespoon of brown sugar or honey.

    I have different add ins. Fake Worcestshire sauce (gluten free), soy sauce, sweet chili sauce, --not all together)

    I play with chulent. I also don't eat chulent. Everyone else does.

  4. Thanks, Chaya. I will add this to the queue. Thanks for sharing.


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